know more about blood donation and know how you can help people.

You must register to take the state license exam. You may register to take the exam with DNA Phlebotomy School or any other state approved licensing center
NO. Accreditation is a process of validation in which colleges offer a higher degree in education. Phlebotomy is a certification, therefore it is not required to be accredited.
You can start applying as soon as you receive your phlebotomy license.
As of today, phlebotomy is a popular field that is highly sought after by both students and employers alike. Phlebotomists are always in high demand as patients continue to require withdraw of blood specimens for diagnostic testing for various reasons. In fact, the laboratory is one of the busiest departments within the hospital setting.
A high school diploma, or its equivalent, GED, are a basic prerequisite requirement for admission. Also, in order to apply to an approved phlebotomy training program, you have to be at least 18 years old.
There are numerous fields within the world of Phlebotomy that one may find a suitable career. Most often, Phlebotomists are frequently needed within the hospital setting. However, as a phlebotomist, you may seek employment at free-staffing medical clinics, urgent care or emergency departments, or even work for companies that require the phlebotomist to withdraw blood samples from patients in their own homes such as with insurance agencies or home health care.
Basic knowledge preferred, not required. However, every hospital or clinic utilizes a different programs to process their laboratory specimens, in which they train you and it is not difficult to learn and gets easier with repetition.
It is our responsibility to assure that you get the proper training and knowledge to be ready to enter the field of phlebotomy. It’s your responsibility to make sure that you learn and become comfortable with the practice. Do not however, guarantee job placement.
Yes. License renewal is required every two years with completion of six CEU (continuing education units) hours.
It takes a median time of 90 days after a complete application is received for LFS staff to process an application. If the application is incomplete or incorrect, it may take additional time. Incomplete applications will be abandoned 150 days after the date of initial application.

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